The Danielson Group's FFT in Action
powered by 2gnoMe

Framework for Teaching (FFT) in Action transforms professional learning, turning self-reflection, feedback and observations into a tailored learning experience aligned with this powerful Framework. It clarifies strengths in FFT Domains and Components, linking quality resources to individual strengths and areas of growth. With complete control, administrators and coaches are empowered to fine-tune and manage their teams' PD experiences for maximum impact.

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The vetting of supporting professional learning resources is led by The Danielson Group. Above and beyond these resources, this portal helps districts personalize professional learning and unify all teachers and their PD in one place, aligned to the Danielson Framework of Teaching and the Danielson Framework for Teaching Clusters. To learn more, please request your demo.

For more information:

Watch this 4-min interview about this partnership in support of teachers.
About the Framework for Teaching, click here.





Let's Work Together!

Select day and time to connect or click here to create your own secure portal for free (business domain required).

Our name - 2gnoMe - comes from the Greek gnōsis (knowledge).